The OAz web framework is based on a modular management: the applications are composed of independent modules that perform dedicated functions, which can be merged within the apps created.
Each application is made up of an 'oaz' module, containing the main logic and essential web components from which the other modules can draw, simplifying writing and standardizing the application interface.
Furthermore, the modules also incorporate the software requirements necessary for their operation, any translations and the definitions of colors and styles of the application.
It is also possible to define a module as main, causing some features of the app to use the definitions of that module as a priority over the oaz module.
Each module is composed of a backend and a frontend part, separated both in the code structure and in the web instances to improve application security.
Backend: written in python language, it contains the logic and data processing and provides APIs (through the fastAPI python library) that can be called from the frontend.
Frontend: written using
Svelte +
Tailwind CSS and contains the interfaces and API calls provided by the backend.
Our web framework also allow the use of accounts with different roles, and access management for each one. Roles and accesses can be set from the web configurator: an essential tool made available by the oaz module.